A Fisher of Words
Equipped with nothing
but the thin rod
grasped in my right
hand, I face the expansive
sea of potential.
A hook
baited only with
a wriggling idea—
into the unknown.
Reeling. The return
is smooth, and I—
I’ve got nothin’.
I toss the line again
and will myself
to practice patience,
as I cast and reel,
cast and reel,
cast and reel—
methodic and unrewarding.
Not until I relax my effort
and divert my focus
do I feel the snag of inspiration
on my end of the line.
And I am satisfied
with the day’s catch,
however small
it may be.
Jesus fed five thousand
with a few loaves of bread
and only
two small fish.
Hey everybody! So, while I feel like I've come to be quite the pro "facebooker," I admit I'm a rookie "blogger." Please be patient with me as I get accustomed to the format. On the writing issue (assuming I--in my technologically handicapped capacity--can actually get this thing posted and thus enable you to respond to the question I am about to pose), does anybody else feel like the harder you try to write something inspiring/powerful/non-crappy, the harder it is? I hate writing under pressure...it stifles the muses, ya know? :-) Like when I was in high school, we always had to write these timed literary essays in class without being given the topic ahead of time, and it just made me panic. I was wondering if anyone has any specific coping/relaxation techniques that kind of help them in the writing process.
I really like how the form of your poem seems to emphasize the drawn out feeling of writing you talk about...or maybe the fishing line? Thanks for a creative approach!